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Ruth Shrauner

The Poshed™ App is Available for Download Now!

Ruth Shrauner ceo and founder

I texted my friend about the idea for this app 2 YEARS AGO LAST SUNDAY (July 16th), but ran away from it out of fear for SIX MONTHS before deciding to build this company.😭 Remembering that makes this feel SURREAL in every way. I'll share more over the next few days, but I want to start by saying that my app & company is for anyone who has/was...

❤️ Born from humble beginnings & grew up in a small town that didn't have a single stoplight in city limits.

❤️ Scrolled on social media only to feel less than everyone else & wished for a different life.

❤️ Spent the first years after college believing that the best years of your life were behind you.

❤️ Felt like an ugly duckling at every social event.

❤️ Relied on a partner for financial stability, because you didn't believe you could create your own.

❤️ Been buried in debt without any hope of digging yourself out.

❤️ Worked in a male-dominated career field & battled unconscious bias based upon your appearance.

❤️ Been underappreciated, underestimated, or underpaid.

❤️ Been mocked or laughed at for having crazy, big dreams.

❤️ Lost yourself in motherhood/ parenthood & wondered if your dreams mattered anymore.

❤️ Battled depression/ anxiety that left you feeling paralyzed.

🙌👉All while feeling a tug on your heart that said, "I know I'm capable of so much more. This can't be all there is for me in life."👈🙌

This launch of the Poshed On The Go™ app is for you. It's for anyone who has ever thought they weren't smart enough, pretty enough, skinny enough, or worthy enough while also feeling an intense calling on their heart to do bigger things in life.

Listen to that tug.

It's there for a reason.

YOU are here for a reason.

I hope the launch of this company inspires you. I hope that you see yourself in me. I hope you find the courage to chase your dreams & change your piece of the world alongside me!

NOW.... TELL ALL YOUR FRIENDS THAT THE POSHED™ APP IS AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD ON IOS & ANDROID DEVICES! 😍 Even our MVP (most viable product) is a freaking thing of beauty - you'll love it! 😍


HERE WE FREAKING GOOOOO!!!!!!!!! 😭💃🏼🥳🤯👏😭

Love, Ruth

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